How to Give Away Your Faith

Ever wondered how to share your faith in Christ?

We’ll be having a workshop coming up next month to learn more about how to better share the good news of new life in God’s mercy.

Evangelism is not about badgering people or nagging your coworkers or being that annoying person that your neighbors avoid.

Instead, your primary goal in evangelism is – to use St Peter’s phrase (1 Peter 3:15), “to always be ready to give an answer for the hope that’s within you.”

In our workshop, we’ll learn about sharing God’s love with someone who is grieving. Or facing a crisis in their lives. Or encouraging someone who’s gotten away from church. And a whole lot more.

We’ll be meeting at Redeemer (2306 Lacy Street, Burlington) on Saturday, March 7, and Saturday, March 14. The workshop will begin promptly both mornings at 9, and we’ll finish both days by 12

Hope to see you there!

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